Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Emang Udah Jalannya sih Kalo Kaya Gini

Jadi ceritanya kmaren ada welcome party dari katsura lab, terus lanjut after party sama temen-temen se lab, terjadilah sebuah dialog (agak disesuaikan)

"Bagus, do you know why you accepted in katsura lab ?"
"rrr, no. why ?"
"Actually there was a lot of e-mail from student of various country who ask for joining our lab. But sensei ignored them all because he was super busy"
". . . ."
"But, when he saw your e-mail, he thought that your e-mail was very polite so he decided to respond your e-mail"
"only me ? Really ?"
"Yeah, only your e-mail. btw, why you choose our lab ?"
"Well, actually I did send a lot of e-mail to a lot of professor in Keio, but only Katsura sensei respond my e-mail"

Yah begitulah, e-mail saya yang ga direspon sekian banyak profesor ternyata dibales oleh profesor yang menolak sekian banyak e-mail dan berlanjut sampe saya bisa nyampe Keio. Emang kalo ALLAH SWT udah berkehendak, ada aja jalannya

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